When She’s Gone is a Point-and-Click Adventure Set in the Manchester Blitz

A quick history lesson is in order. During the early years of the second world war, the Luftwaffe subjected the UK to a campaign of aerial bombardment called the Blitz.

Most people associate the Blitz with London, but the Blitz occurred wherever there were ports or factories. Naturally, the UK’s industrial North West was a major target. 

Turkish developer missed approach interactive has chosen to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the Manchester Blitz with When She’s Gone, a highly atmospheric and moving point-and-click adventure game with a touching story at its center about the anxiety and struggle of war.

You play as Jonathan, whose wife Sammy has absconded from their family home after leaving an ominous note hinting that she’s finding it “hard to continue”. 

Jonathan sets out during an air raid to find Sammy. His quest takes him on a tour of harrowing scenes throughout the North West, while the story is full of equally harrowing twists and turns. 

You’ll visit a whole variety of locations, from the urban to the domestic. You’ll take in rows of iconic red brick homes of the kind that were so often reduced to rubble during the Blitz, an eerily quiet city centre, peaceful spots in the countryside, and more. 

But it’s the interior scenes that are the most haunting. At one point you’ll visit an ordinary kitchen, the meal apparently abandoned and the room in mild disarray.

It’s all very atmospheric, thanks in large part to the stylish, painterly art-style and muted palette, which manages to capture the feel of 1940s Britain perfectly. 

Gameplay-wise, When She’s Gone plays like a classic LucasArts point-and-click adventure. You go from location to location solving puzzles, interacting with your environment, and generally exploring the time capsule that missed approach interactive has created. 

You can download When’s She Gone on the App Store right now.