The Brilliant Gorogoa is Just 99c Right Now

Gorogoa is one of those games that you just have to play. It’s smart in so many ways, and weaves a beguiling story that’s going to have you hooked from the first screen to the last. And right now you can pick it up for just 99c.

The game is ostensibly a point-and-click puzzle adventure, but it’s so much more than that. It’s about manipulating your view of the world, moving through different time lines and solving visual riddles that walk the line between head-scratching and infuriating with a perfect grace.

You could compare it to the Framed series, but it expands on the scene manipulation of that classic in a whole bunch of intelligent and engaging ways. It also looks amazing. Like a series of paintings coming to life in the palm of your hand.

Gorogoa has been out for a while, but if you haven’t played it yet, there hasn’t been a better time to pick it up. Because right now it’s 99c, down from its usual price of $4.99. That’s a saving of four bucks on one of the best games on the App Store.

Click here and you can download Gorogoa from the App Store for that ridiculously low price. We reckon you’re not going to be disappointed. It really is just as brilliant as you’ve heard.

Already played the game? Want to share your experiences with it? Then stick some words in the comments section at the bottom of this here paragraph. We’d love to hear from you.