Rabbids Coding is a Free Game That Teaches You how to Code

Rabbids Coding has just landed on the App Store. The game uses Ubisoft’s unofficial mascots (they might be official mascots, who knows?) to teach you the basics of coding. It’s a pretty cool idea, and it won’t cost you anything to give it a go.

After ending up on a space station and then destroying everything in sight, as they’re warrant to do, it’s up to you to help the Rabbids fix everything. To do that you need to solve what are essentially logic puzzles.

But those puzzles are also going to teach you the building blocks of computer code. It’s a super smart concept, and it’s presented absolutely brilliantly.

Check out the trailer for the game we’ve embedded below and you’ll see what we’re talking about.

That trailer is for the PC version of the game, which has been out for around a year. But mobile should be the perfect home for the game, since touchscreen controls are hardly going to be to the detriment of the experience.

You can grab Rabbids Coding from the App Store right now by clicking here. The game isn’t free-to-play, it’s completely free. There are no IAPs or wait-timers here to stop you from playing as much as you want.

Think Rabbids Coding is a great idea? Have you already played the game and want to share your experiences with others? Whatever the case, feel free to use the comments section below to have your say.