Check out This Trailer for the Latest Update to Marvel Realm of Champions

Marvel Realm of Champions was updated yesterday with the biggest chunk of new content the game has seen since it launched. There’s new characters, story quests, weapons and loads more. So much so, in fact, that listing it all would tire out our poor weary fingers.

Here’s a brief breakdown of the important stuff – Thor, a hammer, a titan-killing axe, new PvE content and loads more. You can click here to check out the official patch notes to discover everything that’s landed on Marvel Realm of Champions.

Or, alternatively, you can watch the trailer we’ve embedded below. And we’d encourage you to do just that, because it’s an excellent trailer. It might be one of the best we’ve seen in a good long while. Go on, give your eyes and ears a special treat – you know you want to.

Marvel Realm of Champions is a team-building battle-’em-up that’s packed full of PvE and PvP content. It’s a bit like a MOBA, but not enough like a MOBA to make people who hate MOBAs hate it. There are loads of different heroes and villains to collect, and you can build them up with different equipment to make your own unique version, which is pretty cool.

If you fancy giving Marvel Realm of Champions a go, you can click here to download it from the App Store. It’s free to play and you’ll get all of the above-mentioned goodies when you pick it up. Neato burrito.