Very First Shaky Cam Footage of ‘Hot Tin Roof’ Running on an iPhone 4S Revealed!

Noir_Poster At just shy of $15,500 with 12 days to go, Glass Bottom Games’ Kickstarter for Hot Tin Roof: The Cat That Wore A Fedora (the pseudo-sequel to Jones On Fire) is well on its way to achieving its 20k goal. The mobile port of Hot Tin Roof – which is being handled by Cerulean Games – is also progressing nicely, and the two indie studios involved are now aiming for a simultaneous release on iOS, Android and PC/Mac/Linux.

You can check out some shaky cam footage of the desktop prototype of Hot Tin Roof running on an iPhone 4S below. And here’s a choice snippet from today’s press release:

“I helped Dave (of Cerulean Games) run the BlazeJam event back in 2012 that being the game jam that originally birthed Jones On Fire and we’ve kept in contact ever since,” says Megan Fox, founder of Glass Bottom Games. “I didn’t think I’d have time to handle a mobile port of Hot Tin Roof, and Dave was keen to take it over, so what you see there is the first evidence of that collaboration. I’m honestly surprised, I thought it would take him way longer to get that far.”